Tuesday, March 30, 2010

a fix gear shop....why?


Fresno Smooth

Bart rips the board. He's no twinkle-toe skater With that BIG gorge gap and lots of car jumps under his belt

first class treatment at Wahoos Fish Taco for Jimi. no strychnine in the guacamole that day

Lockhart,TX bbq rulez..and the skatepark is just as good

thx BigRob and Boban for the dirtbike parkinglot @ trojun Trails.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

SXSW in fulleffect

motorhead @ stubbs

"just cause you got the power doesnt mean you got the right"

you use my couch to crash, your sleeping with Barry
fat people paintings

Monday, March 15, 2010

bbq to go
lighters up! scott draper. backflipping everything lately. he's paying the cost for being the boss tho.

Thursday, March 4, 2010
